
How to Create Engaging Emails and Boost Your B2B Conversions

The success of your B2B email conversions depends on numerous factors, from employing the right marketing strategies to effectively engaging your audience. There are so many ways to market your services, but few compare to the power of email marketing. 

Did you know that 40% of B2B marketers report that email marketing is the most important part of their content strategy? When you can harness the power of email marketing, you can significantly boost B2B conversions. Sadly, many businesses don’t know how to utilise email marketing strategies effectively and so waste a lot of time creating email newsletters that are having little to no impact on their audience.  

In this article, we will be sharing how you can write engaging emails that boost B2B conversions.

Why Your Email Marketing Strategy Isn’t Working

Have you tried email marketing to no success? There are a lot of things to consider when developing an email marketing strategy and there is a lot of creativity involved in the process. When businesses don’t utilise the power of email marketing effectively, it’s because they end up following strategies that aren’t aligned with their marketing goals. Below we have listed three of the most common reasons why your email strategy isn’t working.

  1. Failing to Welcome

Often, many businesses fall at the first hurdle. What we mean by this is they fail to send a welcoming email. The first email you send makes that first impression and if it’s not welcoming or it doesn’t connect effectively with the reader, you’ve ruined the relationship before its had a chance to begin.

  1. Failing to Meet Expectations

Building up a list of email subscribers is a job in itself. However, keeping those subscribers is an entirely different challenge! Successful email marketing is just about writing great emails, it’s about meeting expectations. If you fail to meet expectations, your audience will quickly unsubscribe. You must provide subscribers with information that is engaging and provides value.

  1. Failure to Provide a Call-to-Action

Calls-to-action are essential in email marketing as they tell people what to do next. CTAs have a huge impact on moving prospects further along the sales funnel. By simply including a call-to-action button in your emails you can increase your click-through rate significantly. 

How to Create Engaging Emails that Boost Conversions

Now that you’re aware of the common email marketing mistakes businesses make, let’s take a look at how you can create engaging emails that boost B2B conversions. When done correctly, email marketing can be one of the most effective strategies you can employ to generate more leads, revenue, and brand visibility.

  1. Know Your B2B Clients Well

The first step in creating engaging email campaigns that boost conversions relies on you knowing your B2B clients well. B2B clients think differently to other audiences. They tend to be rational decision makers and they know what they want. This means they are very unlikely to make a purchase just because they feel like it.

Your B2B clients are informed. They know what they want and they’re not going to waste their time with irrelevant emails or invaluable information. Bearing this in mind will help you make the most of your email marketing campaigns. When you know your B2B clients, what they’re looking for, and what they respond to, you can successfully convert leads into customers. 

If you want to know your B2B clients better, here are a few helpful strategies to employ:

  • Conduct surveys
  • Connect on social media
  • Utilise chatbots
  • Maintain an open line of communication

  1. Prioritise a Great Subject Line

Did you know that email subject lines can have a significant impact on email open rates and engagement? In fact, 33% of email recipients reportedly use the subject line as the deciding factor in whether or not they click through to read the email. 

If you want to make a great first impression, you need to write subject lines that improve open rate. Below we share a few ways you can write a great email subject line that entices readers to click through and read:

  • Create a sense of urgency (only 2 hours left on this offer!)
  • Entice their curiosity (you won’t want to miss this…)
  • Make an offer (receive your 20% discount)
  • Include the recipient’s name
  • Keep it short and sweet 

As with most marketing strategies, practice makes perfect! 

  1. Optimise Emails for Mobile

Did you know that up to 46% of emails are opened on a mobile device? If your marketing emails aren’t optimised for mobile, you will fail to engage your subscribers effectively and this can have a negative impact on your conversion rates. So, if you want to boost your B2B email conversions, it’s vital you optimise emails for mobile devices. This means: 

  • Keeping subject lines fewer than 50 characters
  • Keep your emails concise
  • Use pre-header text
  • Break up text so that it’s skimmable 
  • Make sure images are visible
  • Keep calls-to-action in the centre of the page
  • Use responsive email templates

The good news is that people carry their mobile devices with them everywhere and they are checking them all the time. So, when you optimise your email campaigns for mobile, using the strategies above, you significantly boost your chances of increasing B2B conversions.

  1. Speak Directly to Your Clients

One of the best ways to engage your email recipients is to speak directly to the individual. You should always personalise your emails with the recipient’s name so they feel like the email was written specifically for them. Your email should then speak directly to the recipient, addressing their pain points, and sharing how you can solve the issues they are facing.

Using words like ‘you’ helps create a tone that is more intimate and personal to the reader. When you speak directly to your clients, you create a sense of connection that helps drive engagement and conversions. Speaking directly to your B2B clients is one of the best ways to boost conversions. 

Final Words 

We hope the tips in this article will help you create engaging emails that boost your B2B conversions. It’s all about connecting with your individual readers and meeting their needs through well-written content. When you take the time to optimise your marketing emails, you will see greater results from your email campaigns.