

Since its emergence, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is considered the toughest data protection law all around the globe. GDPR training is important.

Therefore, the businesses and organisations operating in the EU or anywhere in the world collect data of people residing in the EU fall under EU GDPR.

Well, same for the UK but businesses fall under UK GDPR after Brexit.

Ultimately this means that if you are an owner of a major corporation or organisation residing in the EU and UK or dealing with UK and EU customers, you have to be GDPR compliant.

But how can you comply with GDPR? How can you make sure that your employees comply with GDPR? Are there any GDPR training courses (UK) available? Or is there any GDPR training online for the UK  offered?

Don’t worry, Seers is here for you with all answers.

But first, let’s dive into the short introduction of GDPR.

gdpr training

What is the GDPR?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) controls how organisations and companies handle personal data. It grants more autonomy to people about how their data is used. 

To read more about GDPR. Click here

 Thusly, setting out strict requirements on procedures of data handling, documentation, transparency and user consent.

Click here to download the free Seers Ultimate guide to GDPR.

For following these whole steps of documentation and transparency a proper GDPR training is mandatory as non-compliance with GDPR can result in a fine of £18 million or 4% of annual global turnover. This brings us to our next step.

What is GDPR training?

GDPR training is about

  • understanding key terms (like data controller and data processing etc.)
  • data handling outside and inside the organisation by employees
  • merits and dangers associated with data processing
  • proper workflows, risk mitigation plans and data breach handling etc
  • know-how of laws and articles of GDPR
  • knowledge about rights assigned to people under GDPR, i.e. Right to privacy etc 
  • IT teams role and responsibilities.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) UK and EU also mandate GDPR training. Plus, also elaborate fines and punishments in case of GDPR non-compliance.

Don’t risk fine with Seers train your staff online. Click here to start for free.


The Information Commissioner Office (ICO) discusses GDPR- UK training for employees.

In addition, all organizations are required to ensure and demonstrate that they are taking all compulsory steps to comply with the law.

So, this means arranging GDPR awareness and certification for employees is mandatory. In this regard, ICO states:

“you have a legal responsibility to identify that an individual has made a request to you and handle it accordingly. Therefore you may need to consider which of your staff who regularly interact with individuals may need specific training to identify a request.”

So, GDPR compliance training in the UK has become imperative for organisations in Great Britain. So don’t worry  GDPR training and certifications are also available in this regard.

EU GDPR Training Requirement:

There are several GDPR training articles:

Article 70:

GDPR’s Article 70 mentions and discusses the tasks of the European Data Protection Board (the body of the EU, like the European Commission responsible for the due application of GDPR).

Here one of the jobs of the board is to also promote training.

“promote common training programmes and facilitate personnel exchanges between the supervisory authorities and, where appropriate, with the supervisory authorities of third countries or with international organisations”

Article 47:

Article 47 also mentions training in the tasks of the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

“The tasks of any data protection officer designated in accordance with Article 37 or any other person or entity in charge of the monitoring compliance with the binding corporate rules within the group of undertakings, or group of enterprises engaged in a joint economic activity, as well as monitoring training and complaint-handling.”

Article 39:

It mentions training as the responsibility of the Data Protection Officer (DPO). So, It does not require every organisation to hire DPO, but one which does has the responsibility of training staff.

As stated below:

“to monitor compliance with this Regulation, with other Union or Member State data protection provisions and with the policies of the controller or processor in relation to the protection of personal data, including the assignment of responsibilities, awareness-raising and training of staff involved in processing operations, and the related audits.”

gdpr training


So it is now a legal requirement to show that your staff have been trained in Data Protection and GDPR. 

Hence certified courses have been designed in this regard. Because untrained staff can cause you £ 18 million fine so minimise risk with Seers Certified GDPR e-training course. Sign up start for free

Certified GDPR Basic Training:

The GDPR training content for basic training is quite like a general overview. Like 

  • What is GDPR?
  • What is Data Protection all about?
  • the basic definitions
  • Main Risks involved with data protection and processing
  • International transfers
  • Reporting in case of Data Breach
  • Accountability and Documentation
  • Rights of Data Subjects(right of access and erasure etc.)
  • Legal requirements and implications

Certified GDPR Advanced Training

Following are the topics discussed:

  • Implement and maintain an effective compliance programme under GDPR.
  • Updating the data whilst deleting the one not needed
  • ensuring that systems designed are capable of data security


Seers with 10,000+ staff trained offers UK’s Number 1 GDPR compliance training online.

So you can have GDPR training and certification without even paying a single pound.


Seers for ease has divided GDPR training content into four modules.

Module 1: Identifying data:

In the first module, you will learn about “what counts as personal data.”

Module 2: Handling of the Personal Data

In the second module, you will ascertain “how to manage data in your organisation.”

Module 3:  Putting into Practice

In the third, you will learn the action steps regarding the appropriate handling of personal data.

Module 4: Assessment

In the end, you will assess the learning objectives of the training.

It is necessary for you to make sure that GDPR is embedded in your organisation. And the best way to ensure that is to give your staff this training. 

And giving them GDPR training is the best investment you can make because it can save you from potential fines and legal litigations.

So, why risk your company assets and profits when you have Seers certified training online.

Because non-compliance can cost you a fine of £ 18 million or 4% of your annual revenue.

To secure yourself from fine and be GDPR compliant too. Start for free