
How to add cookies to your website?

Cookies are now a standard feature of any visit to any website in the modern digital age. We commonly refer to cookies as small text or elements that appear when a person visits a website. These cookies enhance the websites in improving their performances, staying intact with the privacy laws, user interaction and personalised content. With the growing evolution it is significant for websites to implement the cookies to stay compliant with the data privacy laws such as GDPR, CCPA, VCDPA. This blog will share insights about why cookies are essential, when and how to add cookies to your website. Additionally, this article will explore how Seers CMP platform helps websites in improving the overall efficiency. 

Role of cookies in web browsing

Sites save data in cookies, which are text files stored on a user’s browser. Websites develop and manage cookies to remember user preferences, track interactions, and personalise surfing.

Cookies play a pivotal role in improving users’ experiences by keeping their preferences and login information, making processes like shopping carts faster, and tailoring content to each person’s interests. Moreover, tracking user behaviour helps website owners enhance their sites and target advertising.

As privacy concerns have developed, cookies are now vital for website performance and regulatory compliance. GDPR and CCPA require websites to get user consent before setting some cookies, emphasising the significance of responsible and transparent cookie usage to protect user privacy and digital trust.

What types of cookies are necessary on a website?

There are several types of cookies that are required on a website for its smooth running and proper functioning.

  1. Mandatory cookies:

The types of cookies that are essential for a website to operate correctly. They allow essential functions like keeping a user’s session functioning, letting them move around the site, and getting into secure places.

  1. Functionality cookies:

Functional cookies improve the user experience through personalisation and language settings. They boost usability but don’t require for site operation.

  1. Authentication Cookies:

These cookies are necessary to keep websites safe. They help find and stop fraud, like efforts to log in without permission, and keep user data safe from security threats.

  1. Consent Cookies:

To comply with data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, websites may implement compliance cookies to record users’ preferred consent methods. These cookies verify whether a user has accepted or declined other sorts of cookies, which helps meet legal obligations.

Overall, all these provide transparency and accountability of a website that also lets the consumers put their trust in them. All these types of cookies are managed by a cookie consent management platform that lets websites stay compliant with the privacy laws and analyse the consent results to make future decisions to improve user efficiency.

When do websites use cookies?

Every state’s privacy law takes special attention over how cookies operate and manage the user consent on the e-commerce platforms. While cookies have many uses, users should be aware that they can potentially cause privacy issues. 

In response to these issues, many nations have passed laws, including the GDPR, CCPA, VCDPA etc.  that mandate cookie disclosure and user consent before certain types of cookies can be set. Browser settings and cookie consent banners on websites are common places where users can modify their cookie choices.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR strengthens and harmonises data protection laws across all EU member states. That gives individuals greater say over how they use their personal information. GDPR compliance is compulsory for websites regarding storing their personal information. The fundamental objective of GDPR is to give rights to users over their personal information that is on websites.

The seven principles of GDPR that include lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, integrity and confidentiality, accountability by design and by default, data accuracy . Websites will have to bear fines upon violation of the user’s confidential data.

California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) ensures that people of California and its surroundings can experience data protection with full control. In this group of rights are the following:

  • Users have the right to know about what personal information websites have of them.
  • People have control over deleting, amending their personal information that is on sites.
  • The right of refraining from their personal information being sold to other businesses.
  • Apart from these rights, CCPA have strict policies to know about transparency of websites regarding how they store consumers data and utilise it for their use.

Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)

The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) gives people in Virginia the control over their personal data that is on websites. The VCDPA gives people who live in Virginia the following rights:

  • The right to see and get a copy of the personal information that companies have about them.
  • The right to make sure that their personal information is correct.
  • The right, in certain situations, to ask about deletion of their personal information.
  • The choice not to let companies sell their personal information.
  • When they work for a company, employees should be able to choose not to have their personal information used for targeted ads.
  • The VCDPA protects the privacy and data security needs of Virginia citizens, and these rights show that.

Not only these, but every privacy law in action must abide by the cookies that a website uses to ensure that website’s stay compliant to the laws and protect the user’s consent and choice to avoid penalties. 

How to add Seers CMP on your website?

The Seers Cookie Compliance Management Tool is great for protecting user data and complying with important legislation like the GDPR, CCPA and other privacy laws. The Seers Cookie Management Platform, designed for websites, helps businesses acquire explicit user agreements to build confidence and comply with the law.

Seers’ Consent Management Platform (CMP), the leading cookie consent solution. That allows organisations to modify consent settings to regional legislation, ensuring compliance across areas and improving data security. Seers additionally assist websites in quickly handling consent settings. Basically, based on a user’s nation of origin, a unique approach to consent across many locations and devices.

Steps for adding cookies to a website

Once a website registers on the Seers cookie consent platform Seers scan thoroughly. And all the cookies are segregated into its respective types. After this, it automatically generates the cookie policy of the particular website.

Cookie consent banner script

The  Seers management platform offers an option of either adding an existing cookie policy or making a new cookie policy using the cookie policy generator. You can use the Seers default cookie script or websites can use their own scripts.


Cookie Policy Generator

Also, Seers offers website owners various customizable choices for modifying their cookie consent banner, from position to region-wise cookie selection.

Consent Banner Settings

Furthermore, consent log reports enable websites to plan their forthcoming strategies according to the analysis.

Add Cookies in Cookie Consent Logs

By region selection allows websites to operate at several locations and the cookies will automatically adhere to the law followed in the respective region. This will enhance the website’s performance and will allow them to operate freely with any difficulty.

Add Cookies in Consent Management Platform


Cookies are necessary for modern web viewing, but they must be used in a way that doesn’t violate privacy laws so that users trust them and the law is followed. The Seers Cookie Management Platform is a complete tool that helps website owners understand and comply with cookie laws. 

This lets them protect user privacy while providing a personalised and smooth online experience. If you follow these tips and use the Seers CMP, you can add cookies to your website with confidence. Knowing that you will be protecting users’ privacy and making them happier.