
7 Key Insights into ‘Don’t Sell My Personal Information’ under CCPA/CPRA

In the digital age, where personal data is precious, strict data privacy laws are more important than ever. California, a data protection pioneer, passed the CCPA, which was strengthened by the CPRA. The phrase “Don’t Sell My Personal Information” is prominent in these regulations as an important element.

In this article, we will look into the most essential facts surrounding this vital data privacy responsibility. These include its significance, who must comply, the insights needed to comply with CPRA/CCPA, and how it influences consensual management. We will also examine the importance of this data privacy regulation and how Seers help websites comply with the Don’t sell my personal information page.

Overview about CCPA/CPRA privacy laws

In the year 2018, the United States of America introduced California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) for the purpose of securing the personal information of its people from being disclosed. It holds the right to optout/optin, right to delete and change the information, right to know and of non-discrimination.

Requirements of CCPA

  • The people of california have the right to either optout or optin from the sale of their personal data.
  • Like the other privacy laws, CCPA provides customers the control over their data in terms of deletion, amendments etc.
  • Moreover, CCPA prohibits websites from charging different amounts for providing different levels of services.
  • Websites have access to only attain the information that is necessary for the website
  • CCPA holds the audacity of imposing fines upon the breaches on the website.

Requirements of CPRA

The upgradation of CCPA is California Privacy Right Act (CPRA) that includes advancements in privacy acts and benefits equally the websites and the people. The requirements of CPRA are similar to CCPA but here are some features that vary in it:

  • Right to optin/optout
  • More control to consumers over deletion, correction and awareness.
  • Right for non-discrimination
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) for businesses to avoid penalties
  • Right for disclosure of PI and limitation over usage
  • Consumers have audacity to know what information websites uses about them

It is essential for websites running in California and its surroundings to comply with the CCPA and CPRA to stay compliant with new privacy trends and avoid penalties. Moreover, following these laws improves websites productivity, increases its profit and lets websites achieve compliance.

What does the term “Don’t sell my personal information” mean?

The “Don’t sell my personal information” data privacy safeguard allows individuals to prevent firms from selling their personal information. Websites must take in regard the choice of customer regarding sharing or selling their personal information.

The data privacy rights of the US have developed a privacy page “Don’t sell my personal information” to create awareness among the consumers about their data sharing practices. Selling data requires agreement and this phrase fulfils that requirement. It provides an essential safeguard for users’ personal information and website security. 

This phrase enlightens a way for websites to honour visitors’ decisions about whether or not to share their personal information for commercial purposes. This is useful for avoiding problems with the law, protecting people’s privacy, and keeping up public confidence.

7 key insights into “Don’t sell my personal information”

1. User Control and Privacy:

Selling personal information phrases have given more power to the users to allocate and track how websites use their personal information.

2. Legal Framework:

In order to comply with data privacy rules like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), websites and businesses in many jurisdictions are required by law to provide this choice to consumers.

3. Opt-Out Rights:

Consumers have to practise the opt-out for data sharing under the Don’t sell my personal information tag. This gives them security that their information is safe and can’t be sold out without their consent.

4. Compliance Benefits:

Businesses and websites can stay in compliance by putting in place “Don’t sell my personal information” policies. It helps them follow the law, stay out of trouble, and show that they care about privacy, which boosts their image and trustworthiness.

5. Applicability to Businesses:

This provision applies to many enterprises, especially those that handle personal data. It requires them to respect user data selling preferences, influencing data processing and business models.

6. Implementation process:

The adoption of “Don’t sell my personal information” requires clear and accessible opt-out options on websites. Businesses must develop mechanisms to honour consumer decisions.. Implementation Process:

7. Overall Impact:

User rights, transparency, and data security are improved by minimising personal data sales. It also affects how organisations operate and monetize data, making them more privacy-conscious and legal.

Requirements for Don’t sell my personal information

1. Authenticity

Businesses and websites must make it clear to users that they can choose not to have their personal information sold. This information must be clear, easy to find, and highlighted in privacy rules and notices.

2. Ways to “opt out”:

Businesses must abide by the ways to opt out for the people to be clear and put their trust on the websites regarding sharing their personal information.

3. Conformity 

To prevent fraudulent or unauthorised opt-out requests, it is essential to establish a method for verifying the identity of individuals opting out.

4. Non-discriminating: 

Typically, businesses and websites are prohibited from discriminating against users who exercise their opt-out rights. This means they can accept to provide services, raise prices, or give people who opt out worse service.

To what companies it applies?

This phrase is applicable to organisations that are profit based that collect, store and use and sell data of consumers especially in countries where this is a mandatory aspect of data privacy laws especially in where this is a mandatory aspect of data privacy laws.

Non-profitable organisations, health-care industries or educational institutions, application developers, data brokers, social media platforms etc. are the companies that are exempt from the “Don’t sell my personal information” page.

How to implement the don’t sell my personal information page?

Although there are several ways to install a “don’t sell my personal information” page on a website, here is the simplest way to do it using the Seers CMP.

Privacy policy generator

Firstly, you need to create a privacy policy or you can also generate a privacy policy using Seers privacy policy generator tool. You must specify the personal data protection law such as GDPR or CCPA/CPRA. The Seers CMP will then  automatically generate the “Don’t sell my personal information” page.

Things to be included

You can use any template suitable for your website for the data privacy rights page. One important thing to remember here is about the thing that must be included in the personal information page is mainly the right to opt-out.

Websites need to display the “don’t sell my personal information” page on either the main page of the website or the page that includes personal information. It can also be placed on the privacy policy page of the website or on the download page of the applications homepage.

Moreover, in  the cookie consent banner page the website can display the “Don’t sell my personal information” tag and additionally on the website footer. Websites can choose any appropriate position according to their requirement but the CCPA/CPRA privacy law must be specified clearly.


The “Don’t Sell My Personal Information” movement gives consumers the power to stop businesses from using their data for marketing or other purposes once they have given their consent. Users’ information is protected and trust is bolstered by this term. 

Websites using this functionality do so in accordance with applicable privacy laws and with users’ preferences.With the use of software like Seers CMP, implementing the “Don’t Sell My Personal Information” page is a breeze. Important measures include drafting a privacy statement, identifying the applicable data protection law, and producing the page. 

The option to opt-out must be clearly shown, giving users agency and satisfying both the CCPA and the California Privacy Rights Act. Websites can increase their efficiency and revenue by being in line with current privacy standards by protecting user data and honouring their preferences.