Free GDPR Cookie Script
Privacy has grasped nerves of the customers of 21st Century. What they require now is privacy of their data and control over their choices. Cookies are tiny files that stores data of the visitor as soon as he or she steps in your site. Cookie consent means taking consent of the visitor before collecting their data. Now a person unfamiliar to the terms of developer will not understand the term ‘’cookie script’’ because it is something new and alienist to them. Let us know about cookie script!
What is Cookie Script?
As the name suggests, let us break the word into two halves to get its meaning in simplest way! Cookie means tiny files to store user information and script stands for the coding language that executes this information and functions as per integration of CMP. It is basically a simple line of coded text that a developer creates to command processes and execute relevant tasks.
How to use Cookie Script?
This script is required to be inserted into the website code in order to deal with the cookies and tracking technologies present on the site. Seers CMP has the highly activated Cookie script that tracks cookies on your site and focuses on the prior consent of the visitor.
Cookie script and privacy laws
Privacy laws and regulations such as GDPR requires the website owner to maintain their site according to the privacy concerns highlighted in the laws. It requires the website owners to get consent of the visitor before cookies start collecting information.
Keynote: Cookies are tiny files that crawls through the site and collects the information of the user such as email, address and more. Cookies are classified in several types such necessary cookies, marketing cookies, statistics cookies etc.
Functionality of cookie scripts
- Cookie scripts act like a door man to your house keeping the safety of the guests intact
- When they are activated on your domain, they start collecting cookies, tracking technologies and third-party on your site.
- It maintains user’s privacy
- It gets integrated with your site and executes processes of tracking
- When you update the script on your site, the cookie banner appears.
Where do I get this script from?
CMPs (Consent management platforms) provide you access to these scripts. All you have to do is to create an account, get code and insert it on your domain’s coding. Create a free account at Seers now at
Why Cookie Scripts are needed?
Because as per the requirement by GDPR privacy law, you have to be compliant and follow the privacy regulations. Seers is the leading consent management platform providing thoughtful and easily implementable cookie scripts that makes you compliant with GDPR and also give brief description of the cookies used on your site through a quick cookie scan.
In conclusion, cookie scripts are coded string like text that is acquired through a CMP and this code is inserted in your website coding in order to make your site compliant. It aims at enabling the banner on the website giving the user control to either accept or reject the cookies. This consent is the main requirement of GDPR privacy law.