
What is a Disclaimer & How to Write It – The Ultimate Guide

The moment a user accesses your website, they are eligible to see your disclaimer policy. This will protect your business and warn the users to take equal responsibility in the information exchange. 

For example, if your website provides a service and information that could potentially result in litigation. A suitable disclaimer will protect it against inaccurate information lawsuits

The Disclaimer definition

A disclaimer is an important document that should appear on every website. It is able to protect the owner of the website from potential legal action from users accessing the website. It also helps in creating awareness for the website visitors. They can learn about the extent of the responsibility that the website is willing to take

However, what you must know is that a disclaimer cannot guarantee that there will be no unwanted litigation. Claims against your business may still come up. Though it will be able to act as a means of protection. The disclaimer message or policy shows that your business has covered its bases. It provides necessary coverage in case of abuse of your content or service if found.

A lot of elements of your website may not be covered by this policy. However, there may be various elements of your website that can be covered by a disclaimer. This is where you get the protection that you need.

The features that can be covered include:

  • The accuracy of the content on your website
  • It will protect you if inaccurate content causes a loss to a third party
  • Protecting your business against what is not claimed
  • Copyright and Trademarks
  • Transmission of viruses to the visitor’s computer
  • Physical injury from products sold
  • Any issues can be covered in the disclaimer that you choose to add

The protection from all of the above-mentioned areas allows you to stay safe from a wide range of lawsuits, grounds for litigation and legal trouble. That could mean monetary and reputational loss.

How to Write a Disclaimer: 3 Tips

Writing a legally sound disclaimer may be difficult if you don’t have legal expertise. However, there’s a thumb rule to write

  • Be simple and concise: you want your users to understand what you’re saying, so don’t write an excessively long paragraph and avoid using terms that are difficult to understand.
  • Address the main liabilities: If your product or service can somehow cause risk or damage to your users, it’s better to specify that too. It’s also important to address any issue regarding the warranty if that also applies.
  • Make it visible: since they play such a big role, disclaimers should be visible or accessible throughout your website or app.

Key Benefits

A professional disclaimer is more likely to protect your business from court action. It can be helpful in an improved capacity. This is so because the law serves as its foundation. On the other hand, a court can reject a vague disclaimer definition as being unacceptable.

We have seen several ridiculous and unhelpful disclaimers put up on sites that can actually create further problems in an esteemed court of law.

The Seers “Policies Pack” offers you full customisation & total control of your legal policies and compliance obligations under GDPR.


Your business will require a serious, comprehensive and helpful disclaimer even if the chances of people suing your organisation are low. The impact of a business on its environment is diverse and widespread. The law protects civilians in more than one way. Any mix up can cost you time and money.You will be able to do well with a disclaimer that works for your business rather than a comic post or non-serious attempt at creating one. This is why we recommend using the Seers Policy Pack to produce a policy generator to get you one.

Is Disclaimer Same as Terms and Conditions?

People often confuse a disclaimer with terms and conditions documents. This is because you will find a similar context in both. However, they are two separate documents.

The terms and conditions are a completely different document. Although many people believe they are the same, you should not.

It is important to appreciate how they differ. Both are important for your organisation, so it is essential to understand how they operate.

Here’s how to use Disclaimer on your website

“A disclaimer is on websites to reduce their liability. On the other hand, terms and conditions documents define the rules and guidelines recommended by the organisation. They suggest the ways for website usage. Such as a requirement that a minor cannot buy your services.”

Terms and conditions in a nutshell

The terms and conditions document outlines characteristics or acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. These are requirements for visitors.

A typical terms and conditions document may contain guidelines such as:

  • Clearly defining how to use website
  • Describe limitations if any.
  • Define who can use website and for what purpose
  • Confirming any copyrights


Elements may appear on both. Yet several are characteristic of one but not the other and vice versa. Thus, it is imperative that these documents be treated differently. They are both unique items with some intersectional areas.

The Key Elements Of Your Disclaimer

The wording on your disclaimer will depend on each website. It is therefore not possible to have a standard definition or model that works for all.

The disclaimer policy is not one size that fits all. It is not something that you can pick up from another website either. Since it will work across many websites you will need a unique one suited to your business.

For this purpose, you can use our careful and comprehensive policy pack. With your own insight and input you can use this creative skeleton or automated tool to get you the right policy.

A disclaimer template could serve as the foundation for your website’s disclaimer, but it’s crucial to completely personalise it to match your company’s needs.

Disclaimer Examples

There are some components to consider when drafting a disclaimer letter; examples of how to address these aspects are provided below.

Accuracy of Content & Information

  • Information on your website could inadvertently contain errors, potentially leaving your business open to legal action.
  • Use disclaimer to absolve your business from responsibility for any potential impact on users
  • Example: A financial speculating firm can post content without fear of legal repercussions by including a disclaimer to avoid any damages.
  • Include a clause within your disclaimer confirming that the business cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.

Physical Liability

  • It is important to include a disclaimer regarding potential physical harm caused by your products if your company sells products online.
  • It
  • should cover injuries resulting from a faulty product or improper use of the product.
  • Including this disclaimer will help protect your business from liability and potential legal claims.

Content Ownership

  • Specify the ownership of the content on your website in the disclaimer if your company is the rightful owner.
  • Include a strong statement to address the widespread issue of plagiarism on the internet.
  • This can help to discourage others from reproducing your content without permission.

Third-Party Responsibility

  • Many websites use third-party tools, making a clause covering third-party responsibility an important inclusion in your policy.
  • Since the actions of third parties are outside the control of businesses, the disclaimer should clearly state that your business has no control over the actions of each third party and accepts no liability.
  • These are just a few examples of the typical language that needs to be in your disclaimer, which must be specifically customised to your company’s needs.

Using A Disclaimer From Another Website

  • Avoid replicating disclaimers from other websites, as they are unlikely to adequately protect your business.
  • Since very few businesses are identical, bespoke disclaimers are essential.
  • Reviewing disclaimers from other similar sites can provide some guidance.

Disclaimer Templates, Are They Useful?

A template may be useful for creating the basis of your disclaimer but using a template for your final disclaimer policy is not recommended.


Businesses may be similar, but each will have different approaches and processes. So only policy that is tailored for your business, by someone who understands your business, will provide a viable solution.

An improved alternative to using a template would be to use a disclaimer generator. A disclaimer generator is a better approach than using a template.

As long as detailed responses are provided, the disclaim generator will create your custom disclaim in line with your business requirements.

The Disclaimer For Your Business

A disclaimer should be in place to protect your business against potential legal claims. For example, its policy will prove a key document and help to protect your business against liability, should the action result in a court case.

It is a waiver of responsibility that defines the role of the organisation in terms of sharing liability. This may target the employees, the data subjects or the government. It may show a sign such as a notice for the public.

This may read as a warning or a piece of information necessary for making an informed choice under the law.

The Disclaimer May Deny

  • Limit the liability in a legal setting
  • Reduce the responsibility of an organisation in legal matters
  • Or impart the responsibility to the employees in a legal case scenario
  • Attribute or exercise delegation of the liability to other parties involved by reducing their own
  • This helps in defining all organisations or groups of people involved in key decision making. It may help in creating awareness regarding the important figures involved in the protection of rights of individuals and the special role of the employees of the organisation in providing them.

Your Website Disclaimer

Your company’s terms and conditions & website disclaimer are essential documents if your business operates a website.

It cannot prevent an individual from taking legal action but having a disclaimer in place will certainly go in your favour should a legal claim result in a court hearing.


A well-crafted disclaimer is vital for protecting your company from legal claims. It informs users of their responsibilities and limits their liability. Key areas to address include content accuracy, physical liability, content ownership, and third-party responsibility.

Avoid copying disclaimers from other websites. Instead, create a bespoke disclaimer tailored to your business. Using a disclaimer generator can help ensure it meets your specific needs.

While a disclaimer cannot entirely prevent legal actions, it offers significant protection and demonstrates your commitment to transparency and responsibility. For comprehensive protection, consider tools like the Seers Policy Pack to generate a tailored disclaimer.