
Adnan Zaheer’s Interview with TechRound

Seers CEO and Founder Adnan Zaheer was recently interviewed by UK’s famous Tech magazine UK TechRound. His interview is the true portrayal of his enthusiasm for data protection and privacy.

Enjoy reading.

Being an entrepreneur is not a simple task. Of course, it seems all cheesy in Hollywood films where people just turn riches from rags, thus conjuring up the attractive notion in the people’s minds- that it is very classy to be an entrepreneur. And there is an effortless way towards it.

Take it from someone who initiated his first business at the age of 14 years that it is difficult and honestly very daring to choose this as a career path.

But I can assure you once you take this bumpy road and walk out of your comfort zone, you just realise the world has so much to offer, and you have so much to learn.

I am Adnan Zaheer, CEO and Founder of Seers. Seers is the leading privacy & consent management platform for companies worldwide.

Thousands of businesses trust it. Founded in London in 2018 and now with a team spread around the globe. Seers offer innovative solutions covering consent management, assessments, certifications, policies, documentation, and a privacy experts platform. Seers is not the first start-up on my list as I was the founding member of a successful start-up Smart Pension.

Smart Pension eventually became the second-largest pension auto-enrolment company. It is my personal experience that you can surely make something out of nothing with diligence and effort, which is the utmost quality any entrepreneur should possess.

My next entrepreneurial venture was as the co-founder of the PwC Raise programme. The programme helped scale-ups raise series A of equity funding. It is now a fast-growing business.

Coming back to Seers. I am pleased and proud to finally see it catching pace after three years of relentless effort. As of 2020, our customer number has grown by 1040% in 100+ countries.

Here, when I am quoting Seers’ achievements, I remember my three-year-long, arduous journey. There were times when I saw all my efforts going in vain, and there were some moments where I thought this is the end.

But what type of entrepreneur you are when you haven’t experienced these times. As an entrepreneur, always remember that no matter what you are going through, you will always be on the winning side if you have clarity of vision.

Honestly, being an entrepreneur is challenging, primarily when you have worked in larger organisations in your past. However, your all difficulties seem worth it when you start getting rewards.

Some learnings that I will offer from my long journey of entrepreneurship are:

  • You keep yourself and staff motivated.
  • You don’t need a personality. You need clarity. By clarity, I mean “clarity of vision” in terms of what do you want?
  • Use your leadership skills and learn from mistakes.
  • And don’t change for the sake of change. 
  • Embrace your mistakes with open arms because you can’t learn until you don’t do it wrong at least once.

 Seers is the leading privacy & consent management platform placing itself as a trustable and reliable partner for many business in terms of consent management. From GDPR Training to subject request management it is incessantly helping companies across the globe to become compliant with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, PECR and ePrivacy.

For the original interview click here.

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