
How To Use The Internet To Improve Your Language Skills

The internet is a weird and wonderful place that has done so much good for the world. It has made us smarter, more informed, more entertained, and quite possibly less productive as we have access to an endless stream of cat and puppy videos. The internet has also made learning languages far easier as we now have access to thousands of resources to help us learn.

Here are 5 ways to use the internet to improve your language skills.

1. Play Online Word Games

One way to improve your language skills and to have fun while you are doing it is to play online word games, such as Scrabble, Scramble Words, and Words With Friends 2. You can play these games against a computer or online against friends and other players around the world. In these games, you are racing to unscramble words and find as many words as possible out of a set of given letters. The Jumble Daily in The San Diego Union-Tribune is a great game to start with as it is a daily game you will quickly find yourself snapped up in the addictive nature of the game. Playing word games regularly will significantly improve your spelling and increase your vocabulary. Plus the best thing about it is that even though you are learning, it doesn’t feel that way because you are having too much fun to notice!

You can also download online word games as applications on your smartphone. So you can play on the go, no matter where you are. Also, if you get your friends involved in the action you can get them to download it too and you can play together. This will keep you motivated and the competitive element will inspire you to learn faster as you will want to play better and more sophisticated words.

2. Read Things Online You Wouldn’t Usually Read

Another excellent way to improve your language skills is to read a variety of blogs, articles, and posts on the internet. The wider-ranging of topics you explore, the more this will help to expand your vocabulary. So while you might not necessarily be interested in economic affairs going on in the world, reading segments on this area will significantly improve your language skills.

Additionally, research has proved time and time again that the more you read the better your spelling will be and the greater your understanding of the language will be. You don’t have to spend all day every day reading stuff on the internet, but instead, try to set out some time each day that will be dedicated to reading. Even if this is 15 to 20 minutes a day you will still reap the rewards that reading can offer. If you are someone who likes to browse their phone before going to bed, swap out this habit and read a book or an article to help get you ready for bed.

3. Download Language Apps

If you are someone who spends a lot of time on their phone anyway, then you might want to consider downloading a language app. For example, apps such as Duolingo and Babbel are great tools to help you hone in on your language skills. They do daily mini-lessons and you can adjust the difficulty setting to suit your current skill ability. This is a great app to have on your phone as you can learn on the go! Next time you find yourself sat on a bus or a train or waiting for the next meeting you can whack out the phone and dedicate some time to improving your skillset. Again, you do not have to devote hours on this app each day to get the benefits as ten minutes here and there will make a difference. This is far more realistic than trying to spend excessive amounts of time on the app because we all have busy lives, and fitting in learning alongside work, social lives, exercise and sleep can be difficult.

4. Listen To Podcasts

Podcasts have really grown in popularity over recent years and have taken the world by storm. You can think of any topic, and I guarantee there will be a podcast on it. You have podcasts ranging from unsolved serial killer mysteries to music reviews to child-friendly options that talk about all the animals you can find in a zoo. So there is quite literally something for everyone to match your interests. Next time you are commuting to work, going for a walk, or even cooking dinner, consider popping on a podcast and just enjoy listening to an informative and entertaining podcast. One great way to improve your language skills while staying active is by incorporating podcasts to listen while running into your routine. This will improve your understanding of the language and that can help you when it comes to in-person conversations.

5. Watch Videos On All Kinds Of Topics

This last point is homework that everyone enjoys as all you have to do is spend some time watching Netflix, TV, or YouTube. There are plenty of benefits to watching videos when it comes to improving your language skills. First off, you can get a more authentic feel for the language as you are exposed to different accents and introduced to slang words. Slang words are shortened language that is typically used in conversation and so you won’t find it in a book or textbook on the English language. An example of slang is ‘What you gonna do later?’ as opposed to ‘what are you going to do later?’. Watching videos that use slang will help teach you how it is used in conversation.

Additionally, the wider-ranging videos you watch, the more you will learn about language, conversation, and culture. So take some time to watch videos on science, sport, music, comedy, and so on! This will help broaden your vocabulary and improve your skills as a conversationalist.

So there you have it, 5 top tips on how you can use the internet to improve your language skills. With these tricks and tips, you won’t even feel like you are learning as these methods are fun, entertaining, and easy to fit into your daily routines. So good luck and happy learning!