
How to Increase Time Efficiency in Your Office

If you want to improve time efficiency in your office, your focus should be on working smarter rather than harder. Get a well-rounded view of the factors influencing employee efficiency and come up with ways to improve them. It is pointless for employees to spend a lot of time in the office if they aren’t getting much done. Here are a few simple tips to improve time efficiency at work.

Time Efficiency

1. Delegate Tasks

Do not be afraid to delegate duties if it will help you save time. Even though this is one of the most obvious tips, its implementation can be difficult. You may be trying to handle everything, especially if your business is young or you are a perfectionist.

Even though putting a lot of emphasis on quality is a good idea, attempting to do everything yourself is not a sustainable move. In the end, you could be wasting a lot of time.

Delegate tasks to qualified employees and trust that they will do a good job. Checking the details of their tasks every few minutes will waste everyone’s time.

2. Promote Flexible Hours

Providing employees with flexible working hours and time management software ensures that they work only when they are most productive. They are likely to be more efficient. Whether they choose to work late at night or early in the morning, they will be happier and likely to focus on the job. If employees are forced to work hours that aren’t convenient for them, they may be distracted and less productive.

Consider making part or all of your team remote. If you cannot make them completely remote, offer a few days when they can work from home. Studies suggest that working with a remote team can improve productivity by up to 13 percent. If you are concerned that productivity may be dipping, the team at suggests that you consider using labor management or scheduling software. There are apps that may help employees remain efficient even working away from the office. They can swap shifts and view schedules fast.

3. Set Clear Goals

Come up with clear goals and ensure that all members of your team understand them. It is difficult for anyone to be efficient if they are not working towards anything specific. Goals should be clear and realistic to boost employee productivity.

When assigning duties to employees, ensure that you give them as many details as possible. They should not waste time trying to figure out exactly what you need them to do. Ensure that they understand the impact of their assignment on the success of the business.

If the task you want to assign them is not timely, specific, attainable, realistic, and measurable, try tweaking it to be ‘SMART.’ This way, you can promote focus and efficiency.

4. Train Employees

Well-trained employees are confident. They can complete tasks faster and better. Even though cutting out training sessions may seem like a great way to save your money and time, it promotes inefficiency, learning on the job wastes more time than setting out a few hours to train employees.

Without training, workers will be trying and failing to do their jobs. They will interrupt your day with questions and concerns making you less efficient as well.

Once employees have been through their original training, encourage them to continue learning. Continued development will improve their skill sets leaving you with an advanced workforce. You can promote their development through courses, seminars, and personal coaching.

5. Attaching Task to Skill

When assigning tasks, pay attention to the skills that your employees bring to the table. Some character traits and skills make them more suited for certain jobs. An extrovert, for example, would be a better option to pitch ideas to potential clients than an introvert. On the other hand, introverts may be more detail-oriented. Expecting your employees to be perfect at everything is unrealistic and inefficient.

6. Cut Out Unnecessary Work

time is money

Where possible, cut out excess work and have your team focus on the bigger goal. Smaller tasks can be unnecessary and a waste of time. Many times, employees only do them as a formality. Pay attention to their team and find out what you can cut out. When employees have more time, they can focus on the priorities.

When trying to improve efficiency at work, your goal should be to make things easier for employees rather than holding a ‘crack down’ on inefficiency. Get a view of what they do and find out how you can help them save time. When they are happier and more engaged, they can be more productive.