
The Importance of Search Engine Optimization in 2021

SEO (search engine optimization) is the primary method of marketing in today’s digitally orientated society. Search engine optimization is when you, in a sense, manipulate Google’s algorithm to ensure that your website ranks higher on the search listings than your competition. There are a number of ways that you can do this, but this page is not here to tell you how to optimize your website, but rather, how important it is. If you have not yet jumped on the SEO bandwagon, then it might well be time to. The train could be leaving the station anytime now…

In this article, as you surely know, we are going to present to you what we believe the importance of search engine optimization is in the 21st century. You would honestly be hard-pressed to find a single business that does not use search engine optimization in one form or another, and here’s why:

Ain’t No Traffic Like Organic Traffic

Google, as anybody with an internet connection is aware, owns a significant chunk of the search market. They are far ahead of their competitors, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo. Every single second, there are over 40,000 searches on a search engine, most of them on Google. By ranking higher on Google’s search listings, you give web users the opportunity to find your website, and thus, click through and become organic traffic. Organic traffic is the best way to continue to rank higher and higher, as well as draw interest in your business.

R e s p e c t, Find Out What That Means to Me

Web users are far more likely to trust and respect a brand when it appears higher up in the rankings than websites that appear on the second or third page. By having your web page rank higher, you will have a better web presence, which in turn convinces consumers that you are genuine, hardworking, and to be trusted. Whether this is a warped perspective on behalf of the consumers or not is really beside the point, all we know is that it works. You rank higher, you get respect.

Hands Off Marketing

We live in a day and age when we really do not need to do anything ourselves. Technology dominates our lives, as do third-party services. There is very little that we actually do for ourselves, besides cooking and cleaning, and even then, you can have handy pieces of technology that do all of that for you. SEO is no different, in that respect. You can hire an SEO provider to manage your search engine optimization for you and develop a strategy to take your business to the first page. You can do it all without doing anything at all – now that’s hands-off marketing.

Social Media

A website that ranks higher on Google’s search listings will ultimately have more attention and engagement on social media. The relationship between SEO and social media, while indirect, is very real. Visibility on social media brings more people to your website, and more people on your website bring more people to your social media. Your SEO will be impacted by your social media. If you are trying to build a reputation for yourself on social media, then optimizing your website could well be a good way for you to do this. SEO is a fantastic method for improving the viewers you have to your social media page indirectly.


SEO is not an overnight strategy, and instead, is a long-term strategy that requires a lot of forethought and planning. However, it is very effective. Because it is long-term, it means that as time goes on, your website’s viewership will grow and grow, until eventually, you receive (hopefully) thousands a day, perhaps tens of thousands. SEO is a long-term strategy that can benefit you tremendously, and we think it is very important for this reason alone. SEO can ensure that your business receives attention and regular digital viewership, which is something you need in the 21st-century.


Another reason that SEO is incredibly important is that it enables you to compete with larger companies that, previously, you may have not stood a chance against. Many up-and-coming businesses are now able to compete directly with larger corporations, and in some cases, they win! Competition is a very real threat to you as a business, so it is time that you fight back, and one way you can do that is through search engine optimization. Don’t sit around being the little guy, puff your chest out and rank your website!

SEO is tremendously important to a 21st-century business. If you have not yet optimized your website, it is time for you to do so. It is the single-handed most important strategy you can implement into your business’s success plan.