
7 Actionable Tips to Make Great Content

It’s every blogger’s desire to make content that genuinely captures the reader’s attention. Content that truly strikes a chord with advice, enlightenment, and discourse that every single visitor can put into action immediately.

content is king

If you want search engine traffic, and hot leads, you need to churn out great posts. But how can you make great articles? Here are seven actionable tips to make great content.

1. Come Up with Strong Headlines

Superb headlines kindle interest and summon in visitors. According to, 80% of visitors read the headline, but only 20% read the remainder of the content. That’s why the title is as critical as the rest of the post. If you require some help in creating catchy headlines for your articles, here are some simple tricks:

  • Include numbers to bestow solid outcomes
  • Incorporate emotional aims to express your reader’s issue
  • Use a distinctive rationale to display what the visitor will gain from the post
  • Make a bold assurance
  • Use the five W and H questions (who, what, when, where, and why)
  • Watch for trends: You can use a tool like Google Trends to see which topics are popular

Don’t rush when creating headlines, because they are the first thing readers view. If you can, create a few and choose the one that catches your attention the most.

2. Have Readable Content

Readability is text usability and it envelops good design and composition. From a design point of view, readable content is comfortable to the eyes. So, consider factors such as font size, text and background color, column width, and the vertical space between lines.

You should also know about:

  • Lists – Readers enjoy lists because they’re not difficult to process. Think about lists as a formation for your entire article and an approach to expand readability
  • Easy to Scan Sections – Split your content up into as many sections as you can, so it’s simpler for web visitors to scan. That implies bullet lists, subheadings, bold text, and quotes, and so on. Give the eyes something to lock onto.

Also, don’t forget to edit and proofread your articles before publishing them. Tools like WordPress Gutenberg blocks plugins are reliable to make your content more readable and captivating. Errors in the posts and gaps in the general structure can ruin the visitor’s experience and confidence in you.

3. Use Visuals to Demonstrate Your Point

Your whole content piece does not need to be text-based. Showing readers pictures or graphs of data and processes can be more worthwhile than having huge chunks of text everywhere.

At a minimum, you should have one large, compelling picture at the beginning of every article. The image gives your visitors a quick understanding of what your content is about and makes the post look good when it’s shared on social media.

Moreover, consider incorporating several pictures, videos, graphs, and GIFs to the body of the articles. If you don’t want to use existing visuals from a third party, and you lack the design skills to make them yourself, try out an AI assisted image creation tool.

4. Understand Your Audience

It’s pretty hard to connect to people if you don’t have the slightest idea what kind of audience you’re writing for. Knowing your audience is the key to creating valuable content. By researching your audience’s biggest questions and problems, you will be able to come up with content that suits their interests and wants. When users are reading your articles, they want answers, and they want them fast. Make your posts easy to scan, so that people can pinpoint the important parts quickly.

5. Produce Actionable Content

The best content offers the reader a perception of how to apply the knowledge they gain. It respects the visitor and leaves them with the confidence that they know the best way to use the information. As you write your articles, give people tips on how to apply what you’re giving them. Simply writing well can spark new ideas in your target audience.

6. Be Engaging

Engaged readers hang on to each word you display and take in all the information you give. And, the only way to have engaged readers is to produce engaging posts. It all begins with you and the content you compose. You can engage your readers with questions, a promising introduction, and anecdotes.

7. Update Your Posts

content is king

Establishing a website or blog is a huge undertaking. Although you can publish several articles and then desert the work, it will be hard to get many new readers. Additionally, search engines are not kind to sites that are not routinely updated.

Performing regular updates on your blog or website will increase the chances of gaining new visitors and ranking well on search engines.

How often you update your content is up to you. Every content creator has different resources and precedence. But, it’s advisable to update at least two times per week. With these actionable tips, you should be able to make your content readable, memorable, and shareable. And, ultimately improve your search rankings.