

Have you ever imagined what happens if your sensitive data gets exposed? Companies spent millions in order to protect their companies’ private information. General Data Protection (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), etc. laws have been designed to protect the important data of people. But, still, there is an unwanted fear of sensitive data exposure. We define exposure as when data is used by unauthorised persons in harmful ways exploiting basic human rights. But, let’s understand what is data exposure and how one can prevent it in detail.

Define sensitive data exposure

When unauthorized parties try to gain access to personal information by using false means in simple we can say that security vulnerability is known as “sensitive data exposure”.

There could be a hundred possible ways due to which it could be possible, such as weak passwords, unencrypted data storage, and exposed network connections.

Today it is the most essential part of any firm’s privacy policy how they take care of their private information which is meant to be stored and kept confidential even from other employees too. Any environment where sensitive information is being gathered, kept, or sent can have a risk of sensitive data exposure vulnerability. 

This includes e-commerce transactions, healthcare systems, financial organizations, and other settings. When the sensitive source is made accessible, it might be utilized for nasty objectives like identity theft, financial fraud, or other types of cybercrime by unauthorized people.

How does Data Exposure Occur?

There are a bunch of options and ways in which data can be exposed. These reasons could be similar to data breaches or somehow reflect them. The major reason behind the leakage of data is due to the following reasons:

  • Unprotected databases: If databases are not properly secured, sensitive data stored in them, such as financial and personal data, may be exposed. Attackers may access the database by using weak or default credentials or by taking advantage of flaws in the database software.
  • Server configuration errors: Confidential vs sensitive information may be made available to the internet by servers that are improperly configured. An attacker can quickly navigate through the directories to uncover sensitive information, for instance, if a server is configured to permit directory listing.
  • Attacks through phishing: Attackers frequently use phishing scams to lure users into disclosing their login information. After a user’s account has been compromised, an attacker gets access to any private data that is kept there.
  • Malware: Malware can be used to steal private information from the computer of a victim. For instance, ransomware can be used to encrypt sensitive data and demand money to decrypt it, or a keylogger can be used to record login credentials as they are input.
  • Insider dangers: Employees or contractors that have access to sensitive sources and unintentionally or intentionally reveal them are referred to as insider threats. This might happen as a result of inexperience, carelessness, or deliberate purpose.
  • Breach of third-party data: When an attacker acquires access to a third-party system that has access to the data, it might be exposed through a third-party sensitive source data breach. A payment processor, for instance, might experience a security breach, exposing client payment information to attackers.

How GDPR Links to Data Exposure

GDPR staff training helps guide the members of the company to be well-educated about General Data Privacy Rules to be reluctant to data exposure. Similarly, Seers keeps its employees well aware of the market affairs related to the cookie consent banner which provokes the new available requirement to help its customers experience or stress-free work experience.

Difference Between Data Exposure and Data Breach

When private or confidential information is unintentionally or accidentally made available to third parties, it is referred to as information exposure. Contrary to this, when an attacker acquires unauthorized access to confidential data and extracts or steals sensitive source breach happens. 

Hacking attempts, spyware, social engineering schemes, and physical theft are just a few of the causes of data breaches. Unauthorized entry to sensitive or confidential data is then extracted, stolen, or compromised in some other way. Hacking attempts, spyware, social engineering schemes, and physical theft are just a few of the causes of data breaches.

The main distinction between data exposure and data breach is that the former refers to instances in which private or sensitive information is unintentionally or accidentally made available to third parties, whereas a data breach specifically refers to instances in which an attacker has obtained unauthorized access to sensitive information and compromised it.

How to prevent Sensitive Data Exposure

There could be several ways in which one can save himself or his company from data exposure. More likely, some precautions reduce the risk of being exposed but one has to keep looking for new updates and versions in order to be up-to-date in data protection. 

Here, we define avoiding in this scenario as taking suitable measures prior to any fancy data tampering issues. We have discussed self-prevention and firm protection tips for data vulnerability. Seers provide its customers with the experience of prevention from excessive data exposure.

Self Protection

  • Use secure passwords: For all your online accounts, use solid, one-time passwords. A password should never be used for multiple accounts.
  • Switch on two-factor authentication: For added security, turn on two-factor authentication for all of your online accounts.
  • Maintain Up-to-Date Software: To prevent any vulnerabilities, keep your antivirus, operating system, and applications updated.
  • Employ encryption: Your data can be protected through encryption. Use secure communication channels and encrypt any sensitive data that needs to be shared.
  • Take Caution While Using Public WiFi: Use private Wi-Fi networks alone; public ones are more susceptible to hacking. If you must use public WiFi, safeguard your data by using a VPN service.
  • Avoid Clicking on Dubious Links: Do not click on dubious links, pop-ups, or email attachments as they can be infected with viruses or malware.
  • Use antivirus software: To guard against viruses and malware on your devices, install anti-malware software.
  • Make regular data backups: Back up your data frequently to prevent losing it to malware assaults, hardware malfunctions, or other issues.
  • Use social media with caution: Be cautious while sharing information on social media sites. Don’t disclose private information such as your home address, phone number, or email.
  • Watch Out for Phishing Attacks: Be aware of phishing attacks since they may convince you to divulge personal information. Always double-check the sender and the website’s URL before inputting any information.

Firm Protection

  • Implementing Data Protection Policy: Create a thorough data protection policy that describes the standards and practices for handling sensitive data inside the company.
  • Employee Education, Access Control: All staff should get training on the value of data protection and secure data handling. Regularly hold training sessions and advise staff of any changes to the data protection policy.
  • Data Encryption Usage Authentication with many factors: Only allow personnel who actually require access to sensitive information to do so. Make sure that staff only have access to the data they require by using role-based access control.
  • Upgrade Systems and Software Frequently: Protect sensitive data both in transit and at rest by using encryption. Encrypt all sensitive data that is stored or transferred on servers, laptops, or other devices.
  • Routine System Monitoring: To ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive data, utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA). For any remote access to the network and apps of the company.
  • Regularly perform security audits: Maintain the most recent security patches and updates on all software and systems. Firewalls, antivirus programmes, and other security solutions fall under this category.
  • Implement cloud services Carefully: Make sure the cloud services are appropriately secured if the company employs them. The cloud provider has the right security measures in place.
  • Prepare your response to data breaches: Create a plan for responding to a data breach that describes what should be done in that situation. This entails notifying those who may be impacted, authorities, and law enforcement, as well as taking action to limit additional harm.
  • Restrict Access: Provide only the personnel who require it to carry out their duties access to sensitive information. Make sure that staff only have access to the data they require by using role-based access control.


Sensitive information disclosure can be serious trouble for companies that don’t pay attention to their privacy protocols. It has the capacity to destroy not only companies but also individuals. Focusing on ways to minimize the risk of exposure in any suitable way is mandatory for a company to maintain their flow. 

Data exposure can have significant consequences, including potential financial loss, reputational harm, and legal repercussions. By implementing strong security measures and routinely evaluating their security posture, organizations can reduce the risks of data disclosure. 

By using strong passwords and exercising basic cybersecurity hygiene, such as being cautious when disclosing personal information online. People can also protect their data. Contact Seers to avail the opportunity of enjoying an exposure-free environment.