GDPR Cookie Consent Banner
As the privacy has gained heights in the world of tech and consumer data protection, now the laws have been activated for this very purpose. You might have heard about privacy laws such as GDPR (General data protection regulation), PECR (Privacy and electronic communication regulations), CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais) which means general law of personal data protection. These laws are stringent and completely concerned with the data privacy and protection. Cookie consent banner is all about privacy of the consumer’s data. The privacy laws have put forward some must-have points which basically are to regulate the organizations, sellers, marketers and website owners to provide privacy of data and make sure that customer’s data is not mishandled or misused or used without their consent.
What is Cookie Consent?
If you are thinking about that cookie on your breakfast table, you’re quite foodie! The cookie we are talking about here is like a small data file that captures data of the visitor’s info when he/she first visits the site. Cookies are small files to store information about the visitor. This data can be used for various purposes and that is why these are classified to make the user understand which sort of cookies are used on the website they are visiting and how their data is going to be used. Therefore, the customers are asked for their consent in order to meet privacy laws and regulations’ criteria.
What does it mean by Cookie Consent Banner?
Simple to get! Consent has to be given through some source right? So banners are designed to do this job. You might have seen a banner popping up on any website you visit with the options like ‘’’Accept all”, ‘’Decline all’’ and ‘’Preferences”. Now this is called out as cookie consent banner. When you click ‘’accept all’’, it means that you are giving permission to collect your data. If you click ‘’decline’’ it means that you are not giving consent for data collection. If you choose ‘’preferences’’, now you can select the cookies you want to collect your data. They can be of marketing, statistics and more.
Why do they call GDPR Cookie Consent Banner an important insight?
Because GDPR is a privacy law which regulates the protection measures regrading data of users. Any breach can make you swim in fines and penalties; without a life-jacket! Just saying. Because the breaches can not only upset the consumer but also the legal organizations making absolute laws. You can see various examples of giant organizations like Google who have faced & paid hefty fines.
Benefits of the Cookie Consent Banner for user
- It gives you ownership of your choice whether you want to share your data or not.
- You get to know about the cookies that are storing your data for example marketing, statistics etc.
- You can change the cookies of your choice by simply clicking preferences
- Your data is secure if the banner appears because it is compliant with privacy laws
- You can always reach the provider if you see that the banner is not compliant
Benefits of Cookie Consent Banner for Provider
- You are free of legalities risks because privacy laws require this thing to be enabled on your site for the user’s data protection.
- You are compliant with privacy laws; free of fines and penalties!
- You are gaining trust of your visitors and customers; a must thing to have!
Privacy of the consumer is the top priority in the present era and privacy laws such as GDPR are making sure that this stays ahead of anything else. Cookie consent banner plays a crucial role in protection and privacy concerns of consumer’s data.