
What is GDPR assessment?

GDPR assessment

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), organisations must conduct a GDPR assessment.

“This enables an organisation to identify the key risks and implement an action plan to mitigate these risks covering: GDPR staff training, data protection impact assessment (DPIA), implementing GDPR compliant policies and procedures, implementing a GDPR compliant cookie consent solution on their company website and effectively managing data subject access requests (DSAR).”


Areas to focus on when developing an action plan

There are some areas that require intense focus when developing an effective action plan to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for an organisation. These include:

  1. Data Processing: before data processing, uphold these inquiries. What is the right time to comply with the GDPR? So, when was the GDPR assessment conduct previously or has the company implemented the specific measures regarding processing activities? Also the purpose of the GDPR assessment is to find out the vulnerabilities akin to processing operations and data processing.
  2. Data Management: this indicates the detailed information regarding all the procedures implemented to tackle data and its management across an organisation.
  3. Privacy Policy: The privacy policy also identifies compliance with corporate policies as well as the GDPR.
  4. Rights of the data subject: at times, data processing increases the risk to the rights and freedom of the data subject. Under the GDPR, reducing the risk factors is compulsory. And organisations must ensure they have in place an effective DSAR system.
  5. Governance: in this area, the covers the governance structure, awareness activities and the existence of identified figures required by law.
  6. Data Projection: this covers identifying gaps and endeavours to abolish them. Corporate websites, web applications, and IT infrastructure are the main areas to be assess. Because more significant risks are likely to found in these areas. To spot vulnerabilities, specific tools like Vulnerability Assessment and Network Scan are already present to perform the task.
  7. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA): this involves conducting a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) for high risk or high impact projects or business areas.
  8. Privacy and Design: this involves taking adequate measures to minimize data privacy risks during the design phase.

Importance of GDPR assessment:

GDPR assessment is replete with innumerable features, all to aid you with the best data protection solution. The key benefits for an organisation include:

  1. Report: After completing the GDPR assessment, a report will produce that will help identify key gaps. And risks and help in identifying the best solution.
  2. Action plan: Your company will able to formulate an effective action plan based on the report by the GDPR assessment.
  3. Data privacy platform: The GDPR assessment will help an organisation to Identify a suitable data privacy platform that can help by providing a “one-stop” solution.