8 Important Features That Every Home Security System Should Have

One of the most remarkable human instincts is protecting themselves and being protected. Whether safeguarding personal data or securing your home, the need for protection is universal. At Seers, we understand the importance of security, which is why we offer comprehensive solutions not just for data privacy but also for home and business protection.

No one likes waking up several times at night to ensure they are safe and there are no burglars in their vicinity. We take different measures to ensure we have enough protection for ourselves and our homes. One of the best ways to ensure your property is protected is using a home security camera. 

Most security systems look functional on the outside but fail to function correctly when installed. There are different types of security systems in the market, and to make an intelligent purchase, you need to look out for the following features: 

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  • Security Cameras

A camera is an essential feature of the home security system. It is necessary for home protection. A security system with a functional camera is not only a good surveillance tool but is essential for a burglar alarm system to keep your family safe from intruders and function correctly. The security camera serves as your third eye as it watches every part of the house. With the security camera, you will be able to see when there’s a stranger or an intruder in your vicinity. The security camera also scares burglars away when inserted outside the house because they know someone is watching. The security camera provides data for investigation if a break-in ever happens. Security cameras help reduce criminal activities and monitor your home’s entrance and exit. 

  • Redundant power supply

Imagine when power is cut off and your security systems can’t work? When purchasing a security system for your home, ensure it can survive a power interruption. A redundancy power supply is necessary to ensure that the house’s security is not interrupted when one power supply unit fails. The redundant power supply is computer equipment that works with two or more physical power supplies. The redundant power supply runs the security system on its own even when one device goes off. 

  • Wireless Technology 

If an intruder knew where the wires to your security system were, trust them to cut it off. A wireless security system has a cell network that assures your protection. It is portable and can also be with you on the move. It is safe to note that when you’re at work or on vacation, the wireless technology gives a 24/7 notification to your phone. Also, wireless technology gives constant peace of mind. Once you set it up correctly, you won’t have to keep your eyes glued to the screen. There are panic buttons that serve an excellent protection purpose in your house during emergencies. Instead of having wires all over your wall, choose wireless technology for your security system. It is efficient and ensures that footage from your house has consistent backup. 

  • Home Automation

Smart home automation is any device that connects to a standard network. It means you can control the temperature, lighting and even lock your doors using a smart device. Home automation is necessary for every home security system. It gives control to the alarm system and controls the monitoring of the locks in your house. The house security system needs smart locks because it communicates to your smartphone if there is any trigger or intruder on your property. If your security system has home automation, you can monitor all parts of your home from the comfort of one device. It increases the security of your home and also accommodates other devices. Home safes automation gives peace of mind to its users because they are flexible and maximize home security. 

  • Sensors 

Every security system needs a sensor. The sensor keeps burglars and intruders away and lets you know when there is a fire or other house hazards. The question is, how many sensors should you have? There are different types of security sensors, and your house needs to have at least five of the following. 

  • Environmental sensor: There is an alarm when the environmental sensor dictates a leaking pipe, change in temperature, or fire. With an environmental sensor, you are sure to avoid indoor hazards that will cause damage to your property. The best place to put these is in the kitchen, basement, bathroom, and laundry room. The environmental sensor works best in areas of the house prone to flood. 
  • Infrared sensor: If there is someone in your house, the infrared sensor will detect the movement. The infrared sensor is essential for your security system because it triggers the alarm, turns on lights, and notifies you. There are active and passive infrared sensors. Ensure your security system has one or both of them. 
  • Ultrasonic sensors The ultrasonic sensor transmits sounds inaudible to human ears and functions with sound waves. When there is an intruder, the surrounding sound wave of your house changes, and the alarm is triggered. The only off thing about the ultrasonic sensor is that it picks up sound from passersby. It is best to ask the advice of a security professional before installing the ultrasonic detector. It will help ensure your alarm doesn’t go off for the wrong reasons. 

Your home security system needs a motion sensor, glass break detector, smoke detector, and carbon monoxide detector, among other sensors. 

  • Wellness Alert

With the wellness alert feature, you can ensure the security of the seniors in your home. Also, a senior who lives alone will need a wellness alert for safety and security when they sustain an injury or an intruder. It is essential to incorporate it into your security system as it protects the assets and property of your loved ones. If you have a family member, you need to keep away from the senior’s home, and then a wellness alert is necessary to ensure their safety. 

  • Recording Capability 


A recording is necessary for a home security system because it also serves as a way to monitor your surroundings. There would be a complete record of the incidence if there were a break-in. An alarm system can be deactivated, but it reports the intrusion automatically if the security system has recording capabilities. The security system should be able to keep footage for about 30 to 90 days. Also, ensure the device you purchase has enough storage space. 

  • Clean design

Every security system should have a straightforward design and be easy to navigate. A clear design makes functionality easier. In a case of emergency, the user can install the security system by himself. A user-friendly design and an easy-to-read user manual are essential features important for a security system. 

It is best to seek a professional to install your new security system in your home or property. If you have ever thought of getting a home security system, these are the features to add to your list.

Bottom Line:

To ensure you’re making the smartest choices for your home or business security, always invest in the best systems with the latest technology. Whether you’re securing physical assets or protecting personal data, Seers has solutions to keep you safe and compliant with privacy laws. Visit Seers today to learn more about how we can help you stay secure.

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