
How To Become A Certified DPO?

We are living in a digital world. Most people conduct a huge percentage of their personal lives online. From communication to social media, searching, online banking and e-commerce, there is a lot of data that accompanies those things. While much of that information is to customize the online experience, placing relevant ads in our Facebook feeds. That information can also be sold to third parties or used in unethical ways connected to identity theft or illegal phishing. In response to the need for the establishment of security and privacy laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was passed to dictate how organizations process and protect the data collected from clients. Companies like Seers have made a business out of helping businesses, agencies, and organizations stay secure and compliant by adhering to the dictates of GDPR and appointing a DPO (data protection officer).



The General Data Protection Regulation does several things. It dictates how companies, and individuals within those companies, should process, store, and protect personal data. The data-protection laws set strict guidelines on legal data usage, purposes, destroyed after used. Similarly, it also set guidelines to protect individual rights, stored safely and securely, and not transferred to outside sources.

Appointing a data protection officer is a requirement of GDPR, and it is important for DPO to have control over the protection of the rights of both organizations and their clients. A DPO is a leadership position within the GDPR protocol. Additionally, the DPO is to ensure that the mandates or privacy instructions that need to be executed and followed to the letter. A worthy DPO will oversee the implementation of the GDPR and make sure that it is being rolled out and followed in a smooth and effective manner by all parties involved. To put it simply, it is an executive position in data management, protection, compliance, and security. Get information about the DPIA.

Which Companies Need DPOs

DPOS are essential for companies that fall into one of the following categories. For example, public authority, core data processors and controllers, large-scale data processors and controllers, processors of sensitive data. Companies, agencies, or organizations that are public, whose role involves processing data online or offline, or organizations with access to sensitive data such as data related to criminal records, health information, or information regarding children.


The evolution of the internet and its use created the need for security processes and protocols to implement. The more online interactions, the more risk for unlawful sharing and using their data and personal information. Hence, companies appoint DPOS to ensure the confirmed standards of the GDPR. Subsequently, a DPO will stay abreast of updates to the GDPR. And he will be capable of ensuring that their company is in full compliance with its mandates. The DPO will carry out periodic assessments to monitor the company’s data security and compliance and cannot hold any other position within the company.