
How to Find Legit Crypto Staking and Rewards Platforms

Crypto staking is a lucrative way of earning money from one’s crypto holdings without having to trade them. Unless you are an experienced trader you should always be looking for ways to make money back on your investments without incurring risk. Crypto staking is more or less risk-free. In addition to earning rewards back on your stakes, you also benefit from currency price appreciations. Before you can begin staking, however,  you need to find a reliable platform to use.

Staking Pools

The term ‘staking pool’ refers to a collective of traders committing cryptocurrency assets to support a blockchain. Many traders shy away from staking because they worry they do not have sufficient technical knowledge. Pools are very easy to join however and do not require interested parties to have any understanding of how they work. To start staking the first step you must take is to find a platform with public staking pools. Individuals interested in earning crypto staking rewards should make an effort to find a pool with the highest interest rates that they can. Once you find a safe platform to use you can get started.

Be Cautious

The world of cryptocurrency is murky, to say the least. Scams and currency thefts are prevalent in the trading community. Cryptocurrencies are also regularly used by organized crime groups to clean illegally earned money. Unless you take steps to protect yourself from criminals your investment could end up being stolen. When searching for a staking platform it is important to take security into account. 

Never sign up for a platform that does not have a positive online reputation as criminals have been caught creating fake platforms as part of sophisticated efforts to steal money from people. Learn to identify these kinds of sites.

Prioritise Security

As mentioned in the section previous to this, crime is a big problem within the crypto industry. Unless you prioritize security and take steps to protect yourself you could end up falling victim to cyber thieves. Beyond finding a reliable platform, you need to use a VPN (‘virtual private network’) whenever you are trading and must also use an offline wallet. Studies show offline wallets are the most secure kind of crypto wallet.

Interest Rates

Unless you find a staking pool with sizable interest rates, your reward earnings will be negligible. The vast majority of staking pools publish information on their reward rates openly, meaning you do not have to sign up or register an account with a platform until you are happy with what’s on offer. Finding out what rates are offered before signing up will save you time. If there is a specific platform that interests you but no information is available relative to its interest rates, reach out to the site’s customer support team and they will be able to answer your questions.

Beware of Fees

Experienced traders know about the hidden fees associated with staking. Amateurs tend not to be, however. Unless you have real experience in staking you will probably end up registering with a platform that has sizable fees. Most platforms do not publish information about the fees they charge, mainly so that they can deceive traders into committing assets to their pools. Before registering an account with a platform find out what kind of fees are charged. Until you know how much you stand to lose you cannot confidently create an account and commit your crypto to a pool.

Online Reputation

Reputation is everything in business. Sadly, this is something many traders overlook. As the vast majority of traders are young people without real business experience they tend not to prioritize reputation when choosing platforms to sign up for. The danger of not taking time to get an idea of what a platform’s reputation is like in the cryptocurrency community is that you could end up registering with a fraudulent site, like those mentioned previously. Determining how highly a platform is thought of among traders should not take you a lot of time, due mainly to the fact that a single internet search should provide all the information you could ever need to know.

Bonus Payouts

Some staking pools reward customers with bonuses, even before they withdraw funds. Regular bonus payouts are common on platforms where users are required to make sizable deposits. If you are interested in staking, you should always look for ways to maximize your profits. With this in mind then, it is important to do as much research about a platform as you can before signing up so you can find out whether or not bonuses are offered. 

If your chosen platform offers bonuses, find out what they are, how they are accessed, and how regularly they are paid. Getting bonuses on top of your rewards can make staking very lucrative.

Green Energy

The process of creating new cryptocurrencies can be very bad for the environment.  Unless you are an experienced trader it’s very unlikely that you will know how cryptocurrencies are made or mined. There are massive energy shortages right now affecting the lives of millions. Crypto miners are making the situation much worse. Sustainability might not be something you ever think about, but when it comes to crypto you should give it consideration. 

Taking a proactive effort to support green staking pools will help you to do your part in cutting down on needless energy consumption. Staking pools committed to green energy will openly publicize information about their efforts. Make similar efforts in other areas of your life to counter climate change and energy wastage. 

Performance News

You wouldn’t dare trade a cryptocurrency without first researching market conditions. After investing, it is likely you would check your chosen platform daily to ensure your investment isn’t depreciating in value. Likewise then, you should take time to understand your chosen pool’s condition and find out how it is on a weekly basis. Find a platform with a newsletter so that you can get this information sent to you by email, saving you from having to research yourself. Monitor your chosen currency’s market performance too. If your currency begins plummeting in value then you will not earn much in the way of rewards. 

Trading isn’t the only way of making money from cryptocurrency. Individuals with a large number of assets can earn a fortune from staking. Staking rewards tend to be paid out once or twice a year, depending on the pool. Price appreciations also boost investors’ profits. In order to begin staking it is first necessary to find a reliable and trusted platform. The advice given here can help you to do that.