
Top 5 Challenges Of Mainframe Migration And How To Overcome Them

The unparalleled ability of mainframes to handle huge workloads and reliability made them the cornerstone of several businesses and public sector IT systems for decades. Even today, many corporations continue to use these powerful systems.

However, the shifting to modern platforms has many benefits as technology evolves. The process of migration is overwhelming and full of problems. What are the challenges IT leaders encounter when modernizing the mainframe? From cost too high to system incompatibilities, understanding and solving these challenges greatly does matter. 

This paper discusses the top five challenges of mainframe migration and strategies to handle them.

1. Mainframe system complexity

Systems per se are highly complex and, usually decades old, running thousands of programs with millions of lines of code. Unfortunately, this huge volume of accrued code may not be appropriately documented, making mainframe migration a daunting task. One faces dealing with outdated languages, old hardware, and intricate dependencies.

Moreover, understanding the architecture and code of the legacy system is hard. Those who developed it may have left the company or even retired. This lack of understanding and documentation can be a big factor in slowing down modernization efforts since teams have to untangle the mysteries of such an ancient system before updating it.

The first step in the process is to understand this complexity in its totality. To surmount such a challenge, you must arm yourself with tools to analyze this entire mainframe environment and further map it. That way, you can help identify the critical applications and their dependencies. Automated tools can immensely save time and effort invested in this analysis.Also, hiring experienced persons in mainframe modernization will give insights and solutions that they got from their past projects and experiences. Partnering with firms specializing in mainframe migration is also another solution for a successful transition.

2. Data Transfer and Integrity

Well, mainframes store loads of data, with data risky to move into a new system since it is a time-consuming job. Furthermore, the integrity of data while transferring these into the new system itself is very vital. Data corruption or loss can result in huge operational disturbances and financial losses.

Moreover, different systems have different data formats and structures for data, adding to the incompatibility problems. Hierarchical databases and COBOL copybooks remain foreign to modern database frameworks and other information storage methods. With all the complications of read-write operations involved in vast application code, modernization of the mainframe platform seems overwhelming.

A good data migration strategy will outline how one will surmount such challenges. First, clean and organize the data. Next, data profiling tools like Actifio or Agilisium can be used to understand the quality and structure of existing data.

Run a test migration to grab issues before the actual migration and find ways to solve them. Validate data after migration using these data validation measures to ensure the integrity of the data.

Ensure you secure data by encrypting it within flows. Create backups at regular intervals to help recover any loss while the migration process is underway.

3. Skill Gaps

One of the main challenges in migrating mainframes is the small number of personnel who do this work. Most IT professionals used to work with the mainframe system and have retired or moved on to other ventures.

Replacing them with the newer IT experts may not work as they lack experience in such older technologies. Unless companies bridge the skills gap, it may lead to mistakes and migration delays.

In other words, investing in employees’ training and upskilling could help solve the problem. Train existing staff on new technologies and tools for migration. Consider hiring consultants in mainframe migration.

These experts will teach you through the process, helping you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. Collaborating with educational institutions and starting programs focused on programming technologies for mainframes will fix the long-term skill gap.

4. Business Continuity in Uncertainty

The primary concern of any business during data migration is the possibility of continuity. Mainframe systems usually run mission-critical business operations; hence, any downtime may considerably impact the bottom line and dent Brand Image. A detailed plan for ensuring business continuity has to be provided.

One of the best ways to do this might be a phased migration. It’s simply incremental migration or bits of a system at different times rather than all at once. This will allow for continual running of critical functions while other system parts are being migrated.

Implementing robust testing procedures is also critical. Extensive testing will identify the issues, giving room to make necessary changes before the final deployment. Having a rollback plan ready ensures that if anything goes wrong, you can revert to your previous state without major disruptions.

5. Cost Management

The mainframe migration is truly pricey. The costs directly relate to the migration process, training, tools, and possible downtime. Estimating and managing these costs poses a significant challenge.

A well-planned budget plan at the beginning would definitely be important for managing the costs. List down all the possible expenditure areas and allocate the funds accordingly. Look out for a cost-effective solution by leveraging cloud-based platforms that bring scalability and flexibility at a reduced cost.

In this regard, ensure you use open-source tools to reduce software expenditures. Also, track the progress and costs associated with the entire migration process. Regular audits will allow you to identify areas where you are spending over your limit and thus make adjustments. Lastly, ensure you have a clear ROI plan so stakeholders can understand your justification for these migration expenses.


If done correctly, mainframe migration is a challenging yet indispensable step for modern business. Its challenges include system complexity and data integrity, skill gaps, business continuity, and management of the whole process at controlled costs. You can easily manage this process with careful planning, the right tools, and expert guidance. 

It propels you toward enhanced efficiency and supports your business by adorning it with modern processes. These platforms are imbued with the potential of sailing smoothly in the face of future technological advances. Since these challenges are dealt with head-on, companies face no problem transitioning smoothly to modern systems and reaping the result-oriented benefits associated with them.

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