
What is the EU cookie policy?

According to the EU Cookie Policy, a Cookies Notice must be posted on any website that is detached from your Privacy Policy.

All users of cookies on your site have to comply with the EU Cookie Policy. Also, persons visiting your website need to be informed of the following:

  • that you utilize cookies
  • they must be provided with information about the kind of cookies that you use
  • they should appraise of the options at their disposal if they prefer to opt-out of your website’s cookies saving on their devices.

In respect of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), cookies holding sufficient information by which an individual is identifiable, consider as personal data. Cookies utilized for analytics, advertising, and other services including chat tools, also fall in personal data grouping.

It is pertinent that the following information is understood:

  • Consent must be sought prior to cookies placing on a person’s device. Consent should be given via a confirmatory action. And, this can happen by asking for consent via a check-box with options. Users must have the liberty to set their preferences for cookies in your site’s Settings sections. User consent must not be assumed.
  • Users should be easily able to opt-out of your cookies. Therefore, even if their consent, your website has to give visitors a simple method of removing your cookies. If a user consents to your cookies in the Settings section, they should also be able to remove their consent in that same section.

Some United States (US) based companies with no legal dictation to comply with the EU Cookie Policy. They cannot post separate Cookies Policy on the site. Alternatively, companies that conduct business with citizens in the EU are legally required to confirm with the EU Cookie policy.

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