
Learn how to install cookie consent banner and privacy policy in Magento

Installation instructions for Magento2

Step 1

Log in as the administrator on your Magento2 Website

1: Go to the "Content" tab in Left menu.

2: Click on "Configuration" in sub-categories.

Click the "Edit" tab.

  1. A New window will open. Click"HTML Head" .

1: Paste the Seers Cookie Consent script in the box provided in front of "Scripts and Style Sheets".

< script data-key=“XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” data-name="CookieXray" src="" type="text/javascript">

2: Click on the "Save and Continue" button on the top-right corner of the page.
You will see the message "You saved the configuration".

1: Go to "System" tab in Left menu.

2: Click on "Cache Management" in sub-categories.

1: Select all configuration files

2: Click the "Submit" button

3: Click "Flush Magento Cache" to save the setting.